Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

The Power of Ideas

Culture / Pluralistic World

Over the years scholars have looked back on Stalin’s bloody and brutal dictatorship and tried to explain how such a man could have done…

The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt, 2013)


Beauty alters the grain of reality Imagine growing up having lost your mother when you are thirteen in an explosion at an art museum…

The Appearance of Virtue

Faith / Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality

I set out one night When the tide was low There were signs in the sky But I did not know I’d be caught…

The Zero Theorem (Terry Gilliam, 2014)


What’s the point of anything? Absurdity, it is said, rests on the knife-edge between comedy and insanity. Those who mistake the absurd for reality…

Is Everything Political?

Community / Ordinary Life / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

In Our Only World (2015), Wendell Berry argues that people must be careful to resist the temptation of politicization: the habit of mind that…

Welcoming strangers

Community / Hospitality

“Cain went away,” we are told in the opening pages of scripture, fracturing the human race into “us” and “strangers” (Genesis 4:16). The division…

The Pilgrim’s Regress (C.S. Lewis, 1933)


An Annotated Regress It is not news to remark that C. S. Lewis’s books remain remarkably relevant as the years and decades pass. Schooled…

Living in Time


Living in time in a fallen world Though his ideas on the topic are much more richly complex than this, Thomas Oden proposes a…

The Oh Hellos, Through the Deep, Dark Valley (2012)


Music of the kingdom About a month ago I received an email from an acquaintance asking if I was aware of the group, The…