Pentecost Sunday, May 31, 2020. 5:30 pm. The House Between. Margie and I did something we rarely do—we turned on the television news, WCCO…
Denis Haack

The Green Frontier (Netflix); Ragnarok (Netflix); Evil (CBS)
Supernatural realities Although perspectives shaped by the Enlightenment—within or without the church—will have barely noticed, the world is rife with mystery, principalities, mystical voices,…
Murder Most Foul (Bob Dylan, 2020)
I am writing this isolated during the coronavirus pandemic. Writing is a solitary vocation, but this is different. Isolation sucks delight from life, replacing…
Finding hope in a pandemic
Pluralistic World / Spirituality
The coronavirus is a terrible scourge, leaving a devastating trail of illness, death, strained relationships, loneliness, economic hardship and business loss in wide swathes…
The Seamless Life (Steven Garber, 2020)
Books / Faith / Ordinary Life / Spirituality
The Seamless Life Over many years of mentoring and teaching, Steve Garber has rightly insisted that the Lordship of Christ should transform our view…
Tom Waits (Matt Mahurin, 2019)
Books / Music / Visual Art
Tom Waits by Matt Mahurin This large format, coffee-table art book will be of interest to people who love music album cover art, collaborations…
Christ the Cornerstone (John Stott, 2019)
Christ the Cornerstone Between 1971 and 1981, the Rev. Dr. John R. W. Stott (1921-2011) wrote a regular column in Christianity Today. In it…
Architect of Evangelicalism (Carl F. H. Henry, 2019)
Architect of Evangelicalism If biblically orthodox Christians are not to be merely reactionary about evangelicalism now that it is in some turmoil, it is…
Sticky Fingers (Joe Hagan, 2017)
Sticky Fingers Rolling Stone magazine has always ranked high on my reading list. The reason is that from its beginning in 1967, the magazine…
Poetry 180 (Billy Collins, 2003)
Poetry 180 While Billy Collins was United States Poet Laureate, he launched a series of efforts to bring poetry into the lives of ordinary…