Discernment Exercise: Cultural Lies

Culture / Discernment / Exercises

Lies We’re Being Told In the April 15, 2019 issue of The New York Times, columnist David Brooks published a thoughtful opinion piece titled,…

Discernment Exercise: Answering Questions About Doubt

Discernment / Exercises

Reflect on the following questions. As you do, think about the extent you struggle with doubt. Think about how there are some believers who…

Discernment Exercise: Halloween – Magic and Monsters

Discernment / Exercises

With the collapse of Yugoslavia in the late 20th century, small-scale independence movements formed along ethnic and religious fault lines in the Balkan region.…

Discernment Exercise: Engaging the Arts: Are You A Patron?

Discernment / Exercises

Engaging the Arts Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan has begun an effort to help Christians think about their engagement with the arts. It’s an…

Discernment Exercise: Halloween, A Distinctly Christian Holiday


It has become routine in October for some Christian schools to send out letters warning parents about the evils of Halloween, and it has…

Discernment Exercise: Beatitudes on the Dark Side

Discernment / Exercises

One of the great classics of 20th century Christian writing is The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. It’s one of those rare books…

Discernment Exercise: Your God Does Intolerable Things

Discernment / Exercises

Often the questions we face in a pluralistic culture require Christians to develop an apologetic for their faith. A reasonable, winsome defense of what…

Discernment Exercise: Questioning American Foreign Policy

Discernment / Exercises

Since 9/11 our country and our churches have once again been interested in just war theory. Since the attack on the World Trade Center…

Discernment Exercise: Why I Kissed Christian Concerts Good-bye

Discernment / Exercises

Editor’s Introduction In the following piece a music lover, after attending Christian concerts regularly for a decade and a half, explains why he no…