Discernment Exercise: Should We Attend This Party?

Discernment / Exercises

Here is a case study for discernment, based on a true story (though I’ve taken liberties with many of the details). Your small group…

Discernment Exercise: Why I Kissed Christian Concerts Good-bye

Discernment / Exercises

Editor’s Introduction In the following piece a music lover, after attending Christian concerts regularly for a decade and a half, explains why he no…

Discernment Exercise: Your God Does Intolerable Things

Discernment / Exercises

Often the questions we face in a pluralistic culture require Christians to develop an apologetic for their faith. A reasonable, winsome defense of what…

Discernment Exercise: Beatitudes on the Dark Side

Discernment / Exercises

One of the great classics of 20th century Christian writing is The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. It’s one of those rare books…

Discernment Exercise: How Committed is Too Committed?

Discernment / Exercises

In a report published in Harper’s (January 2016, p. 53-62), “The Ultimate Terrorist Factory: Are French prisons incubating extremism?” journalist Scott Sayare tells how…

Flourishing with technology: An exercise in discernment

Discernment / Exercises

Technology: What’s Gained and What’s Lost? In an article titled “How You’ll Get Organized,” James Fallows asked five technology experts “to speculate about the…

Discernment Exercise: A Toolkit for Conversations

Discernment / Exercises

The School of Life (www.theschooloflife.com), headquartered in London and founded by philosopher and author Alain de Botton, offers in their shop an attractive little…

Discernment Exercise: Responding to a Changing World

Discernment / Exercises

Hans Rookmaaker, art historian and colleague of Francis Schaeffer published Modern Art and the Death of a Culture in 1970. It was written, in…