Ahhh, there I am!

Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life

1921. Two little girls, sisters, warmly dressed, pose in a yard in New Bedford, Massachusetts. On the left is Ruth Simpson Ashworth bundled into…

Random reflections on lying

Discernment / Faith / Maturity and Flourishing / Scripture

“I’d like to move next February,” my mother told me. She looked me in the eye intently and repeated herself. “I’m going to move…

Graceful Social Justice: CreatureKind and the Ethics of Food

Creation / Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life

Environmentalists come in different flavors. There are dirt environmentalists like Rachel Carson and Wendell Berry. There are ice environmentalists like Al Gore focusing on…

Fifty Years of Ordinary

Family / Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life

While we were away in October for our vacation, I expected to review the milestones of Fifty Years of Marriage. Isn’t that what people…

Faithfulness, Not Results

Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life

“We are called to a selfless stewardship of all callings, cultures, and creation in a manner that is creative, life affirming, and God honoring,”…

On Being 70

Maturity and Flourishing / Work and Rest

There have been a few random thoughts running through my head the past couple months as I reflect on the past year. You know,…

Technology and the Biblical Story

Community / Culture / Discernment / Maturity and Flourishing

Years ago, as a young engineer recently graduated from school and sitting in a cubical farm, I recall wondering, “What does the Gospel have…

The Uncomfortable Path to Maturity

Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality

Long before I heard the term, disequilibrium was a part of the process of growth in my life. It’s the term educational theorists use…

Culture Care (Makoto Fujimura, 2014)

Books / Maturity and Flourishing / Visual Art / Work and Rest

Beauty in Life An important word for artist Makoto Fujimura is generative, by which he means anything that brings beauty into life to bring…