The pace of kingdom living Alan Lightman, novelist and physicist at MIT, thinks we need to slow down and reflect on how our lives…
Busy, fast and distracted
Ordinary Life / Pluralistic World / Work and Rest
Last month I sat in a coffee shop in Portsmouth, NH —if you are ever in that lovely coastal city do have coffee at…
Flannery O’Connor: The Patron Saint of Ex-English Major Organic Vegetable Farmers
Community / Creation / Culture / Faith / Ordinary Life / Spirituality / Work and Rest
Seven years ago my wife Hannah and I started an organic vegetable farm in southeastern Minnesota. Like our homesteading ancestors we employed a lot…
High Five for the work you do
Yesterday two young men showed up to wash our second story windows. They accomplished in an hour what would have taken me all…
On Being 70
Maturity and Flourishing / Work and Rest
There have been a few random thoughts running through my head the past couple months as I reflect on the past year. You know,…
Calm down!
Creation / Ordinary Life / Safe Place / Work and Rest
If it were up to me I’d be blasting judgment from my throne. I would wipe out – the Zika virus, the ex-president of…
Basic Questions on Alternative Medicine (Gary P. Stewart, 1998)
Books / Pluralistic World / Spirituality / Work and Rest
Place yourself in this situation. You have been told you have an illness for which conventional medicine does not have a known or desirable…
Non-Christians Reflect on Calling
Books / Culture / Ordinary Life / Work and Rest
“Vocation and calling, the editors of Calling in Today’s World note correctly, “are Christian concepts. They do not appear in other religions” (p. xi).…
A Poetic Endnote on Sleep
I know that some people think me a little compulsive for always glancing through the endnotes of books by authors I respect. Endnotes aren’t…
Finding Silence
Sometimes silence can communicate far more than words can imagine. In St John’s Revelation, the last book in the biblical canon, the apostle is…