Here are two anecdotes, and the point I want to make. One. This past weekend I checked a spy novel out of the library,…
A Very Comfortable Alienation
Community / Hospitality / Maturity and Flourishing
There is a phenomenon slowly spreading over the social landscape that is worth noting. I suspect it’s been around since the moment our first…
Hearing amidst the clamor: 4 reflections
Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality
On learning to hear A couple of years ago I published an essay on Art House America that I titled, “On Learning to Hear.”…
Driving with the Brakes On: Why Doing Justice Is So Difficult
Culture / Maturity and Flourishing / Pluralistic World
Why does the health care system continue to fail millions? Why have poverty rates remained the same for thirty years? Why do problems like…
The Appearance of Virtue
Faith / Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality
I set out one night When the tide was low There were signs in the sky But I did not know I’d be caught…
Vital Questions About Your Life
Discernment / Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality
In a brief piece posted online on The Huffington Post (03/02/2014), Susie Moore, a life coach in New York City listed “5 Killer Life…
A Gentle Madness
Community / Family / Hospitality / Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life / Work and Rest
“People have always collected things. Whether a vestige of our hunter-gatherer days, a need to forge order amid chaos, or a simple desire to…
Imagination matters
Art / Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality
One of the reasons I have sworn allegiance to Christ as king is that I believe the ancient prophets. Their words echo down the…
Nourishing Gratitude: Being Thankful, Again
Hospitality / Maturity and Flourishing / Work and Rest
One of the dangers of a comfortable life is that comfort becomes our norm. So, we notice when events dip below that standard, but…
Discovering your calling, slowly
Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality
Last night Margie read from and signed copies of her book, The Exact Place. Anita had filled Toad Hall with candles and flowers, arranged…