Few modern evangelical theologians have been as prolific or as influential as James Innell Packer. Best known perhaps, for Knowing God, Packer has been…
Denis Haack
Jesus and the Restoration of Israel: A Critical Assessment of N. T. Wright’s Jesus and the Victory of God (Carey C. Newman, 1999)
If some books are difficult to market, I would suspect The Challenge of Jesus might fall into the marketing department category for “nightmare.” For…
The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is (N. T. Wright, 1999)
If some books are difficult to market, I would suspect The Challenge of Jesus might fall into the marketing department category for “nightmare.” For…
It Was Good: Making Art to the Glory of God (Ned Bustard, 2000)
Having been raised in a pietistic Fundamentalist home, my first art history class in college providentially became one of the defining moments of my…
Invitation to the Classics: A Guide to Books You’ve Always Wanted to Read (Louise Cowan and Os Guinness, 1998)
Would you agree with this? A discerning Christian is a thinking Christian, and a thinking Christian reads. Not just occasionally, but regularly; not just…
Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology (William Dembski, 1999)
The idea of intelligent design has been around for a very long time, but being able to identify design reliably has been a problem.…
In the Beginning: Foundations of Creation Theology (Herman Bavinck, 1999)
Knowing that God created the world around us, and ourselves as part of it,” Dr. Packer writes, “is basic to true religion.” The doctrine…
How the News Makes Us Dumb: The Death of Wisdom in an Information Society (C. John Sommerville, 1999)
In 1991, an article was published in First Things that so impressed me I sent copies to a number of my friends. I also…
The Hidden Smile of God (John Piper, 2001)
The writer of Hebrews twice instructs us to “imitate” the faith of those who have gone before us and whose lives have been marked…
Match Point (Woody Allen, 2005)
Someone recently asked me why so many movies had to be about relationships, love, and sex. For the same reason, I said, that so…