Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Everything Is Broken

Maturity and Flourishing / Music / Safe Place

Sometimes the simplest songs are best. I'm not thinking of simplistic music, the sort of mindless jingles that assault us in service of consumerist…

A One-Way Trip Into Space

Creation / Culture

“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new…

What Would Jesus Value?

Discernment / Scripture / Spirituality / The Skill

Surveys reveal there is apparently a marked disparity between the number of people—especially among males—who claim to believe in Christianity and the number who…

The Wonderful Freedom to Fail

Faith / Ordinary Life / Visual Art

Speaking at the 2009 Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA) conference allowed me to attend some fascinating presentations. New York artist Makoto Fujimura, for…

Questions from an Athiest

Faith / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

One of the selections Christopher Hitchens includes in his The Portable Atheist is from A Farewell to God by Charles Templeton. In it, Templeton…

Walking On Christ’s Property


Nestled in the midst of busy, crowded streets lined with shops in upper Manhattan is a place of quiet and beauty called The Cloisters.…