Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Babylon Series: Part 12 Getting to the Gospel

Discernment / Faith / The Skill

Since movies contain the stories of our culture, thoughtfully engaging them can prompt discussion about things that are otherwise almost impossible to raise in…

Babylon Series: Part 13 Caring Enough to Probe

Discernment / Ordinary Life / The Skill

Imagine you are sitting with some friends—perhaps at work or a coffee shop—and one says he’d like some advice. “Ashley and I have been…

Living On the Margins


I don’t have any way to know this for certain, so it’s only a guess, but if I guessed which album I’ve returned to…

Just What Are We Doing?


Early in America’s War for the Greater Middle East, Andrew Bacevich relates a simple yet striking fact. “From the end of World War II…

Just Mercy (Bryan Stevenson, 2014)

Books / Community

A story of justice and redemption The title I’ve chosen for this review is the subtitle of the book, Just Mercy I am eagerly…

Music Born of Faith

Books / Music

Most people have heard the music of Arvo Pärt—even if they are unaware of it. It has been featured in the soundtracks of numerous…

Confidence with Humility

Faith / Spirituality

Many of our neighbors are dubious about truth claims, and tend to react negatively to anyone claiming that their beliefs are absolutely true and…

The Reluctant Fundamentalist
(Mira Nair, 2013)


In our globalized and pluralistic world, opposing views of life and reality can collide, resulting in distrust, and even, sadly, violence. How I see…