Everything Is Broken

Maturity and Flourishing / Music / Safe Place

Sometimes the simplest songs are best. I'm not thinking of simplistic music, the sort of mindless jingles that assault us in service of consumerist…

A One-Way Trip Into Space

Creation / Culture

“Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new…

Not Your Average Comic Books


They are usually shelved in the teen section at your local library, or near the comic books at your local book store; but these…

Away We Go (Sam Mendes, 2009)


Co-written by Dave Eggers. Away We Go. Yup, co-writer on top. That was what the big block letters read on the marquee at the…

The Wonderful Freedom to Fail

Faith / Ordinary Life / Visual Art

Speaking at the 2009 Christians in the Visual Arts (CIVA) conference allowed me to attend some fascinating presentations. New York artist Makoto Fujimura, for…

Rock Docs: Films Speak Truth To Human Condition

Movies / Music

What drives us to churn our human condition into a song? Life’s twists and turns have long been the inspiration for verse. Each of…

Listening to Music from Across the Globe


What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of "world music"? Pygmies in Africa pounding on animal skins? Mariachi bands…