Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Missions in a Risk-Averse Age


At times I've wondered whether the advent of bike-safety helmets for children will mark the beginning of the end of the modern missionary movement.…

Understanding Scripture Correctly, Part 1


It is a dangerous conceit to imagine that when we read the text of Scripture we do so from an entirely neutral vantage point.…

Understanding Scripture Correctly, Part 2


Consider this thought experiment. You are attending a small group Bible study, and the discussion has been lively. Someone comments, “Jesus came into a…

Moments of Perfection…Almost

Community / Ordinary Life / Work and Rest

Have you ever experienced this? Occasionally something occurs which seems to carry not a single flaw. Amidst all the brokenness of life an oasis…

Eliza Gilkyson, Paradise Hotel (2005)


Singing Sharp Beauty into a Broken World I am just a troubadour a tried and true believer if there’s nothing that I can live…

The Reason for God (Tim Keller, 2008)

Books / Faith

Engaging Doubt for Clarity’s Sake Some things should become habits of the heart. Things like not agreeing to commitments until we’ve had an adequate…

There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2008)


Drained Dry: oil, religion and the shriveling of souls There Will be Blood is a brutally honest, brutally violent film. Greedy souls are dissected…

Stranger Than Fiction (Mark Forster, 2006)


The Story of My Demise: a review of the film Stranger Than Fiction In one of his finest performances to date, Will Ferrell uses…

Discernment Exercise: Concern for Children at Play and Work

Discernment / Exercises

One of The New York Times Magazine columns I always read is “The Ethicist,” by Randy Cohen. Mr. Cohen, a graduate of the California…