Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Discernment Exercise: On Being Offensive

Discernment / Exercises

All things considered, there’s plenty a Christian can do, say, or believe which some other Christian will find offensive—perhaps even deeply offensive. A few…

At Peace, Always Troubled

Faith / Scripture

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. - Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana (982-1054 AD, Tibetan Buddhist teacher) A sense of deep inner peace is a…

Impatience in Prayer


“Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.” [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's…

Discernment Exercise: Questions for Dr. Laura

Discernment / Exercises

Though biblical illiteracy tends to be rather widespread—even among believers—many unbelievers know enough about the Bible to raise questions about how believers understand and…

Discernment Exercise: Answering Questions About Doubt

Discernment / Exercises

Reflect on the following questions. As you do, think about the extent you struggle with doubt. Think about how there are some believers who…

Home (Marilynne Robinson, 2008)


No Place At Home I never finished reading Marilynne Robinson’s earlier novel, Gilead (2006), though I always intended to get back to it sometime.…

Non-Christians Reflect on Calling

Books / Culture / Ordinary Life / Work and Rest

“Vocation and calling, the editors of Calling in Today’s World note correctly, “are Christian concepts. They do not appear in other religions” (p. xi).…

Karen Choi, Through Our Veins (2016)

Culture / Music

Yearning for a home beyond time I had the chance earlier this summer to hear Karen Choi play at the Aster Café in Minneapolis.…

Nourishing Our Souls

Art / Visual Art

“Beautiful things are a delight to the senses, a pleasure to the mind, and a refreshment for the spirit,” artist Makoto Fujimura writes in…

The immigrant who shaped America


I decided to read Alexander Hamilton when I heard it was an excellent biography, that author Ron Chernow combined the careful research of a…