Idols in Our Modern World

Culture / Faith / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

To live in the modern Western world is to live where the public square is determinedly secularized. The players in the square in America,…

Babylon Series: Part 12 Getting to the Gospel

Discernment / Faith / The Skill

Since movies contain the stories of our culture, thoughtfully engaging them can prompt discussion about things that are otherwise almost impossible to raise in…

THE HINGE GENERATION: Millennials and the Future of the Evangelical Church

Faith / Spirituality

Some people and some generations stand out. Tom Brokaw celebrated those Americans who came of age during the Great Depression and the Second World…

Confidence with Humility

Faith / Spirituality

Many of our neighbors are dubious about truth claims, and tend to react negatively to anyone claiming that their beliefs are absolutely true and…

Impatience in Prayer


“Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.” [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's…

Responding to Questions About Old Testament Law

Faith / Scripture

Here’s the situation: A non-Christian friend asks how I can possibly take Old Testament laws against homosexuality seriously when other laws make provisions I…

The Unfairness of it All


In August, as Russian forces rolled into Georgia, I watched images of carnage from South Ossetia—a place I had never heard of, and perhaps…

Trust In A Financial Crisis


When the recession began in 2008 and huge, fabled institutions were shown to be less secure than most people had believed, the word “trust”…