At Peace, Always Troubled

Faith / Scripture

The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. - Atiśa Dipankara Shrijnana (982-1054 AD, Tibetan Buddhist teacher) A sense of deep inner peace is a…

Impatience in Prayer


“Pray, v. To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy.” [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's…

Responding to Questions About Old Testament Law

Faith / Scripture

Here’s the situation: A non-Christian friend asks how I can possibly take Old Testament laws against homosexuality seriously when other laws make provisions I…

The Unfairness of it All


In August, as Russian forces rolled into Georgia, I watched images of carnage from South Ossetia—a place I had never heard of, and perhaps…

What Do Students Need from Me?


What do my students need from me? Obviously, they need knowledge. If our civilization is to live, then each generation will need to know,…

The Uncomfortable Path to Maturity

Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality

Long before I heard the term, disequilibrium was a part of the process of growth in my life. It’s the term educational theorists use…

A Poetic Endnote on Sleep

Scripture / Work and Rest

I know that some people think me a little compulsive for always glancing through the endnotes of books by authors I respect. Endnotes aren’t…

The Gnostic Life

Scripture / Spirituality

There are always people who talk a good deal about prayer, but don’t go near the creation theater. It is not that they don’t…