Consider the world of Ecclesiastes: it is a place of destruction, malaise, repetition, and despair “under the sun,” where even the beauty you see…
Billy Boyce

Billy Boyce is a pastor living in Arlington, Virginia with his wife, Melynda, and their two sons. Billy’s theological interests include faith and culture, ecclesiology, racial reconciliation, spiritual formation, and theological anthropology. His other hobbies include books, movies, music, avoiding mowing the lawn, and the quest for the perfect homemade pizza.
Stewardship in the Quotidian: The Kingdom in the Bathroom
Community / Discernment / Spirituality
The ethical dilemma of my Monday morning: what should I do about a nasty toilet seat? My local coffee shop only has one bathroom,…
Discipleship in a Secular Age: Engaging the Culture with Charles Taylor and James Smith
Charles Taylor’s award-winning work, A Secular Age, has caused ripples in the academic world with its bold analysis of western history and powerful arguments…
Against Me!, Transgender Dysphoria Blues (2014)
Music for a transgender journey In the contemporary American dialogue about sexual expression, there are increasing numbers of individuals talking about the transgender experience.…