There Will Be Blood (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2008)


Drained Dry: oil, religion and the shriveling of souls There Will be Blood is a brutally honest, brutally violent film. Greedy souls are dissected…

Stranger Than Fiction (Mark Forster, 2006)


The Story of My Demise: a review of the film Stranger Than Fiction In one of his finest performances to date, Will Ferrell uses…

The Reason for God: Questions for discussion (I)


The perennial issues of life never change. Every generation in every culture and people group wrestle with the four crucial issues that undergird human…

A Very Lovely, Sad Longing


John Calvin, in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, notes that God’s call on our life is a deep grace—not a limitation. Rather than…

Nanking (Bill Guttentag & Dan Sturman, 2007)


A Place of Safety: a review of the documentary Nanking In 1937 while Hitler consolidated power in Germany, Stalin held show-trials in Moscow, and…

The Case for Civility (Os Guinness, 2008) & Christians at the Border (M. Daniel Carroll, 2008)


Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in…

Kimya Dawson, remember that i love you (2006)


An Intimate, Authentic Revelation of Hearts i'm lost and alone and i'm fair and i'm free you am what you is and i are…

The Incredibles (Brad Bird, 2004)


The Incredible Incredibles The Incredibles, Pixar’s sixth, and best, of six superb movies, shows how much fun and how inspiring a movie can be,…

Callings: Twenty Centuries of Christian Wisdom on Vocation (William C. Placher, 2005)


Feet in time, footprints in eternity “The Christian understanding of motivation is one of the deepest, richest, and most distinctive parts of the faith,”…

The Matrix: Reloaded (Andy & Larry Wachowski, 2003)


Neo-pagan sexuality The sex scene in The Matrix: Reloaded is lengthy, its impact increased by the pulsating drum score which accompanies it. It was…