The Social Network (David Fincher, 2010)


At the end of their 1979 ode-to-nihilism album entitle The Wall, Pink Floyd --after dismissing most of the things we turn to for comfort—school,…

The Reason for God (Tim Keller, 2008): Questions for Discussion (II)


Tim Keller, who is pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian in Manhattan, listens carefully. He listens not just to Christians but to non-Christians as well, and…

The Arabs (Eugene Rogan, 2009)


A world we should know I suspect I do not need to list reasons that it might be wise to include this book (or…

Winter’s Bone (Debra Granik, 2010)


Winter’s Bone, the darling of last year’s Sundance Film Festival, where it won the coveted Grand Jury Prize as well as a special Jury…

The King’s Speech (Tom Hooper, 2010)


"Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.” [William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night,…

127 Hours (Danny Boyle, 2010)


Love is a Cry for Help A couple of years ago, when Slumdog Millionaire came out, I went to see it five times in…



Fireflies Out in the country the stars speak to you, sometimes they sing their silver tongues there shimmering in vast choirs amidst cathedrals of…

What the Bleep Do I Know?

Community / Movies / Ordinary Life / Safe Place / Spirituality

Sunday Afternoon “Are you from the Unitarian Church?” A small, dark-haired woman drinking a soy latte and holding a copy of Enlightenment magazine smiled…