A Short Essay: Candles


Click. A button was pressed on a lighter and a small flame appeared in the dark sanctuary. It was like a seed of light,…

Rapturous visions—or not


A while back the hymn, “Blessed Assurance” was in the service of morning worship in our church. That hymn is always a problem for…

Visions of Vocation (Steve Garber, 2014)


Does work have meaning in a broken world? Day by day, patiently and in unhurried conversations, group discussions and lectures in all sorts of…

Echoes of a Voice: We are Not Alone (James Sire, 2014)


Signals of immanence & transcendence “Small disconnected facts,” novelist Walker Percy wrote in The Thanatos Syndrome, “if you take note of them, have a…

Three Haiku


From wind-sifted trees the cold fire of crisp leaves scrape across cement ******* Coffee-steam vanishes before a window of winter ******* Wingtips slowly slicing…

Noah (Darren Aronofsky, 2014)


Discussion questions for Noah 1. What was your first impression? What lines of dialogue, what visual effects, or what plot twists stood out to…

Her (Spike Jonze, 2013)


A Review of Her Back in 1950, when the best computer in the world lacked the power of your old laptop, British mathematician/philosopher Alan…

Wayfaring: Essays Pleasant and Unpleasant (Alan Jacobs, 2010)


Reflections Worth Reflection When the name Alan Jacobs appears in some publication I always anticipate reading the essay he has written with a quiet…