Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Visions of Vocation (Steve Garber, 2014)


Does work have meaning in a broken world? Day by day, patiently and in unhurried conversations, group discussions and lectures in all sorts of…

Discernment Exercise: A Toolkit for Conversations

Discernment / Exercises

The School of Life (, headquartered in London and founded by philosopher and author Alain de Botton, offers in their shop an attractive little…

Echoes of a Voice: We are Not Alone (James Sire, 2014)


Signals of immanence & transcendence “Small disconnected facts,” novelist Walker Percy wrote in The Thanatos Syndrome, “if you take note of them, have a…

Creation Turned Bad

Creation / Spirituality

Bill Gates recently included a fascinating graphic on his blog to highlight the deadliness of mosquito borne illnesses, a problem the Gates Foundation is…

The Ravens, Considered


One of the ways the New Testament Gospels lend plausibility to what they record is in the ring of authenticity that is found in…

Wayfaring: Essays Pleasant and Unpleasant (Alan Jacobs, 2010)


Reflections Worth Reflection When the name Alan Jacobs appears in some publication I always anticipate reading the essay he has written with a quiet…

On Ugliness (Umberto Eco, 2007)


The Truth of Ugliness Last night before sleep I looked at some photos—pictures of beauty and ugliness—that had been gathered on a web news…

Do We Worship the Same God? (Miroslav Volf, 2012)


Is my God your God? Discerning Christians know that speaking the gospel creatively and attractively into our pluralistic 21st century world requires that we…

Omne Quod Spirat Laudet Dominum

Art / Music

We drove to the Twin Cities last night (in a light snowstorm) for a concert by the St Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO). The traffic…