Roast Chicken adapted from Ina Garten’s Perfect Roast Chicken Serves 3 to 4 Ingredients: 1 (4 to 5 pound) roasting chicken Kosher salt Freshly…
“A Few Like You”: Will the Church be the Church for Homosexual Christians?
Culture / Faith / Hospitality / Spirituality
In 1947, the great English poet W. H. Auden wrote a letter to his friend Ursula Niebuhr in which he confessed: “I don’t think…
Christmas 2008 Gift Suggestions from Toad Hall
Books / Hospitality / Ordinary Life
A Diary of Private Prayer by John Baillie, Fireside Edition, 1949. (devotional) Teach us to pray. If this has ever been a desire of…
A Life-giving, Transformative Ordinary
Hospitality / Ordinary Life / Safe Place
What does God want with so many stars and black holes in infinite space? What is God’s plan on rainy nights when the wind…
A Very Comfortable Alienation
Community / Hospitality / Maturity and Flourishing
There is a phenomenon slowly spreading over the social landscape that is worth noting. I suspect it’s been around since the moment our first…
Margie’s 2015 Christmas Gift List
Books / Hospitality / Ordinary Life
Please Note: all books can be ordered through Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (Non-fiction) Author: Atul Gawande Metropolitan Books,…
Fishsauce & Mayonaisse
An issue of Food and Wine included a recipe for Thai fish sauce. I read it because I like Thai food, at least the…
A Conversation About Ferguson
Community / Culture / Safe Place / Spirituality
Introduction Meet Greg Pitchford and Luke Bobo. Luke is a 55 year-old African-American male and Greg is a 51 year-old White-American male. Luke lives…
Welcoming strangers
“Cain went away,” we are told in the opening pages of scripture, fracturing the human race into “us” and “strangers” (Genesis 4:16). The division…
A Gentle Madness
Community / Family / Hospitality / Maturity and Flourishing / Ordinary Life / Work and Rest
“People have always collected things. Whether a vestige of our hunter-gatherer days, a need to forge order amid chaos, or a simple desire to…