Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring (Andi Ashworth, 2002)


Creative, Caring Faithfulness Being discerning as Christians includes answering the question, “How can we talk about and live out the truth and reality of…

Blankets (Craig Thompson, 2003)


Though it’s earned me just 4 sheets of state-approved paper and roughly 1,064 cups of coffee, I make a living as a student and…

Junebug (Phil Morrison, 2005)


Occasionally, I’m approached by a friend or a friend of, regarding a movie. In this instance, a pastor inquired about Junebug. When I sought…

The Decline of the Secular University (C. John Sommerville, 2006)


There are, to over-generalize only slightly, three basic ways of understanding the relationship of religion to public life. First, there are those who believe…

Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found (Suketu Mehta, 2004)


Bombay population Greater Bombay's population, currently 19 million, is bigger than that of 173 countries in the world. If it were a country by…