Rap Artists’ Use of Women


Introduction – It’s not neutral! Nearly every parent has engaged in conversations with their teenager only to discover that their adolescent was all wise…

The Lives of Others (Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, 2006)


How do you feel when you see or hear something beautiful? Not a leaf-in-the-wind kind of beauty, but extraordinary beauty? In The Architecture of…

No god but God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam (Reza Aslan; 2005, 2006 )


Dispatch from Frederick Cooper, Deputy Commissioner of Amritsar, to the Foreign Office in London, regarding the fate of the mutinous Sepoys (Bengali Muslim soldiers)…

Rap, Reggae and Ragas


To limit ourselves in the realm of worship music to a safe repertoire of familiar hymns and choruses is to restrict the access of…

The White Stripes, Icky Thump (2007)


Icky Thump is the sixth full-length studio album by The White Stripes. In ways I can’t fully express, this rock duo continues to prove…

The Arcade Fire, Neon Bible (2007)


One of my former youth group students turned me onto this album and band and I’m so glad he did. This is one of…

Kanye West, Graduation (2007)


I bought this CD more out of a sense of duty than desire. In the past few years I have found it increasingly hard…

The Avett Brothers, Emotionalism (2007)


I bought this album when it came out last May and haven’t stopped listening to it. Trying to describe the music of The Avett…

Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews (Jonathan Cott, 2006)


The title of Jonathan Cott’s book both sums up its content and identifies the people who should read it. Bob Dylan: The Essential Interviews…