On Ugliness (Umberto Eco, 2007)


The Truth of Ugliness Last night before sleep I looked at some photos—pictures of beauty and ugliness—that had been gathered on a web news…

Do We Worship the Same God? (Miroslav Volf, 2012)


Is my God your God? Discerning Christians know that speaking the gospel creatively and attractively into our pluralistic 21st century world requires that we…

Omne Quod Spirat Laudet Dominum

Art / Music

We drove to the Twin Cities last night (in a light snowstorm) for a concert by the St Paul Chamber Orchestra (SPCO). The traffic…

House of Cards (Beau Willimond, 2013)


Where cynicism reigns In the traditional Christian view of things, the temptation to feel, think, and live in ways that are less than virtuous…

A Man For All Seasons (Fred Zinnemann, 1966)


Is anything worth dying for? A few years ago I was part of a weekend film festival in England sponsored by the British branch…

Echoes of Eden (Jerram Barrs, 2013)


Echoes of Eden A few days ago when the staff of Ransom met for prayer, the liturgy in Common Prayer included a line that…

The Art of Guy Chase (2011), Beauty Given by Grace (2012)


Distinctly different, distinctly Christian visions Guy Chase crafted art that was sharply contemporary, the sort of work that causes me to stop and look…

Anarchy Evolution (Greg Graffin & Steve Olson, 2010)


Resisting authority, embracing anarchy Over the past few years I have read the authors known in the media as the New Atheists, and have…

C. S. Lewis: Translator for the Post-Whatever Age

Culture / Faith

A difficult task has recently become much, much harder. Every Christian knows that Jesus’ ‘Great Commission’ gave marching orders to his church to go…