How do you feel when you see or hear something beautiful? Not a leaf-in-the-wind kind of beauty, but extraordinary beauty? In The Architecture of…
R. Greg Grooms
Greg Grooms lives with his wife Mary Jane in Hill House, a large home across the street from the University of Texas in Austin, where they regularly welcome students to meals, to warm hospitality, to ask questions, and to seriously wrestle with the proposition that Jesus is actually Lord of all.
Crash (Paul Haggis, 2004)
One of the more delightful parts of my work as a campus minister at the University of Texas at Austin is watching films with…
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong (Jonathan Wells, 2000)
It ain’t necessarily so, it ain’t necessarily so, The things that you’re liable to read in the Bible, They ain’t necessarily so... George Gershwin’s…
How to Stay Christian in College (J. Budziszewski, 1999)
The irony of the title of J. Budziszewski’s book, How to Stay Christian in College is not lost on the author. After all, why…
Darwin’s Black Box (Michael Behe, 1996)
The argument from design is one the oldest for the existence of God. It deduces the existence of a Designer-God from the evidence for…
Beyond the Cosmos: The Extra-Dimensionality of God (Hugh Ross, 1996)
Can we really know God?” This, the opening sentence of the book, is the question Hugh Ross hopes to answer in Beyond the Cosmos.…