A beautiful, unrelenting foe

Creation / Ordinary Life

In the late sixties we moved from Minnesota to New Mexico. Perhaps because we were used to the rich black soil of the Plains,…

Margie’s 2015 Christmas Gift List

Books / Hospitality / Ordinary Life

Please Note: all books can be ordered through www.heartsandmindsbooks.com Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (Non-fiction) Author: Atul Gawande Metropolitan Books,…

Facing Guns and Horror

Community / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

In a thoughtful and pained reflection, “The Inexplicable: Inside the mind of a mass killer,” Norwegian writer Karl Ove Knausgaard tries to comprehend the…

Emergency in the Garage

Community / Ordinary Life

You do not want to begin your day finding a note on the counter that reads “Emergency in garage. Freezer door left open. Everything…

The Appearance of Virtue

Faith / Maturity and Flourishing / Spirituality

I set out one night When the tide was low There were signs in the sky But I did not know I’d be caught…

Is Everything Political?

Community / Ordinary Life / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

In Our Only World (2015), Wendell Berry argues that people must be careful to resist the temptation of politicization: the habit of mind that…

A Conversation About Ferguson

Community / Culture / Safe Place / Spirituality

Introduction Meet Greg Pitchford and Luke Bobo. Luke is a 55 year-old African-American male and Greg is a 51 year-old White-American male. Luke lives…

Welcoming strangers

Community / Hospitality

“Cain went away,” we are told in the opening pages of scripture, fracturing the human race into “us” and “strangers” (Genesis 4:16). The division…

Spring, please come

Community / Family / Ordinary Life

We live in a climate where the seasons are sharp. There is no mistaking them. Winter freezes everything including our senses; but they waken…