Discernment Exercise: Love It or Leave It

Discernment / Exercises

Though America is obviously a country of immigrants—after all, very few of us are Native Americans—over the years each major wave of immigration has…

Discernment Exercise: Can We Make Our Faith Attractive?

Discernment / Exercises

In the opening scenes of the movie Chocolat, Vianne, played by Juliette Binoche, moves into a new town and rents a dingy, dirty storefront.…

Discernment Exercise: A Great Spirit Blessing

Discernment / Exercises

Living in a pluralistic culture, as we do, does not mean that we live among unbelievers; it means we live among people who believe…

Discernment Exercise: On Being Offensive

Discernment / Exercises

All things considered, there’s plenty a Christian can do, say, or believe which some other Christian will find offensive—perhaps even deeply offensive. A few…

Discernment Exercise: How Committed is Too Committed?

Discernment / Exercises

In a report published in Harper’s (January 2016, p. 53-62), “The Ultimate Terrorist Factory: Are French prisons incubating extremism?” journalist Scott Sayare tells how…

Discernment 101: An Explanation of Discernment

Discernment / The Skill

If anything is certain for Christians today, it’s that we find ourselves living among people who do not share our deepest convictions and values.…

Discernment 101a: Always Begin Objectively

Discernment / The Skill

The process of Christian cultural discernment involves asking a series of questions that allow us to deepen our understanding of whatever it is we…

Discernment 101b: What’s obvious might not be

Discernment / The Skill

Some people act as if pluralism isn’t simply a fact of life. Instead, they are offended when movies do not depict the values they…

Discernment 101c: Liking it or Getting it

Discernment / The Skill

In an increasingly pluralistic and technological world like ours, hardly a week goes past without the possibility of being confronted with some new artifact…

Discernment 102: How to Disagree Agreeably

Discernment / The Skill

I don’t know very much,” James Agate is recorded as saying, “but what I do know I know better than anybody, and I don’t…