Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring (Andi Ashworth, 2002)


Creative, Caring Faithfulness Being discerning as Christians includes answering the question, “How can we talk about and live out the truth and reality of…

A Faithful, Messy Purity

Community / Faith / Spirituality

There is a difference between keeping ourselves pure, and keeping ourselves aloof from a broken reality. It’s a huge difference. The first is courageous;…

Using Words to Wound Instead of Heal

Community / Family / Maturity and Flourishing

It is not an enemy who taunts me— then I could bear it; it is not an adversary who deals insolently with me— then…

Hearing is Not Knowing

Ordinary Life / Scripture / Spirituality

I suspect that many of us grew up hearing, from an exasperated parent or teacher, “Just how many times do I have to tell…