Denis & Margie Haack continue to write at Critique-Letters
Bible Reading Program Redo
Among us it seems there are a few like me, who try and read through the Bible in a single year. I’ve tried various…
Denis & Margie Haack continue to write at Critique-Letters
I felt heartbroken after reading this excerpt from “Figuring” by Maria Popova who blogs at Brain Pickings. She is a secularist bravely trying to…
Among us it seems there are a few like me, who try and read through the Bible in a single year. I’ve tried various…
“I want to live here.” That was Anita’s response to our week long stay at a cabin in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area –…
As I wrote this post it happened to be during Holy Week. After a difficult few days when Denis' mother suffered a nosebleed that…
SUMMER and what you thought would be completely doable suddenly becomes Boot Camp for the unwary. Does this happen to you? You look at…
One. He insisted if I was a girl I be named after her. Interesting, isn’t it? Boys are frequently named after the father and…
A Christmas card arrived last week. Nothing unusual about that in the month of December. It isn't often that a mere card digs into…
A Salt Dough Creche Soire One December, many years ago when I was still into crafting like my redemption depended on it, I decided…
Today like many summer days, I sit at my desk hoping to make some progress on my current manuscript. For any writer, not just…
Each spring one of the first things to poke up through the ground in the spring are little reddish wrinkled faces that quickly, somehow…