Denis Haack

Denis is the author of The Rest of Success: What the World Didn’t Tell You About Having It All and has written articles for such journals as Reformation & Revival Journal, Eternity, Covenant, and World. He holds a Master of Arts in Theological Studies degree from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis.

The Art of Mary McCleary

Art / Books

I have never seen a work by Mary McCleary in person but wish I could. She makes collages, merging pieces of string, bits of…

The Faithfulness of Sadao Watanabe

Art / Books

I remember when I first fell in love with the art of printmaking. Somehow I came across the woodblock print by Albrecht Durer, Four…

Darwinism falters over language

Books / Pluralistic World

If you have never read Tom Wolfe, you will have to take my word for it that he loves language. As a journalist, novelist…

Black Ops Advertising (Mara Einstein, 2016)


Blurring lines, ads go undercover Not too long ago it seemed that the understanding was that there should be a bright line drawn between…

A few words on living the dream

Culture / Discernment / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

The headline on the cover of Self was printed in a font clearly designed to catch our attention. “Live the Dream! Strong / Sexy…

Idols in Our Modern World

Culture / Faith / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

To live in the modern Western world is to live where the public square is determinedly secularized. The players in the square in America,…

Winsome Series: Part 1 What Does Winsome Look Like?

Discernment / Ordinary Life / The Skill

One of our neighbors uses a pickup occasionally to haul junk to the dump or to transport furniture when a new tenant moves into…

Winsome Series: Part 2 What Does Winsome Look Like?

Discernment / Ordinary Life / The Skill

Occasionally I am asked what Christians need to do to reach the postmodern generation with the gospel. My answer is that I am not…

Winsome Series: Part 3 What Does Winsome Look Like?

Discernment / Ordinary Life / The Skill

At a recent conference for pastors I was amused during the Q&A session by how few questions were actually raised. It’s not that no…

Winsome Series: Part 4 What Does Winsome Look Like?

Discernment / Ordinary Life / The Skill

One of the fascinating things about reading the Gospels is how often Christ acted in ways very unlike how we usually behave. I am…