January 1: Resolved to read through the Bible in a year. To pick a program and simply stick with it. I know I’ve tried…
Youth Culture and Growing Up
Community / Faith / Family / Maturity and Flourishing / Pluralistic World
It is impossible to think about “growing up” in modern America without considering the role of the “youth culture” which every young person—even those…
Who Invented Adolescence?
My husband and I are the parents of three sons, Chris, Tim and Ben, who are 24, 23 and 17, respectively. Perhaps some of…
Marriage: Is There a Place Between Cynicism and Idolatry?
Family / Ordinary Life / Scripture / Spirituality
Marriage is universal. As Christians, we know why. Genesis tells us that God created it at the very beginning of his creation of humanity.…
Taking Doubt Seriously
For a long time now I’ve wondered why so many people rise early each Sunday morning to trek to churches where they will be…
The Process of Conversion
The First Stage: Energy I always say that I became a Christian on September 13, 1981, at the end of my first week as…
Longing To Know
Faith / Pluralistic World / Spirituality
More people these days talk a lot about stories, when you might be expecting them to talk about truth. At a Borders gathering earlier…
Christianity, Tolerance and Pearl Harbor
A few years ago Elizabeth Kristol did a brilliant little piece on tolerance in a pluralistic society. It was a disarming critique of the…
Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love
Community / Creation / Family / Hospitality / Pluralistic World / Spirituality
There are few issues that have generated more political heat and extreme rhetoric, more anger and hatred, confusion and pain, than the issue of…
A Merer Christianity
For a long time I found it perplexing that some of the most politically chaotic regions of the world are also places either where…