Books / Faith / Ordinary Life / Spirituality
The Seamless Life (Steven Garber, 2020)

The Seamless Life
Over many years of mentoring and teaching, Steve Garber has rightly insisted that the Lordship of Christ should transform our view of work. Instead of the constricting categories of career, occupation and job, God’s grace allows us to embrace the robust, life-giving categories of calling, vocation and glory. This frees us to know that what we do is part of what God is doing, so that whether we be carpenter or educator, stay-at-home parent or physician, truck driver or fisherman, each serves the Creator as significantly as does a missionary or pastor or martyr.
In The Seamless Life, a small-format book, Garber gives us 37 brief, wise meditations divided into two main topics: “At Work in the World” and “Making Sense of Life.” Each is worth a slow reading, either alone or with friends, with time for unhurried reflection. Garber is gifted in weaving together insights from Scripture, popular music and film, works of classic literature and surprising, ordinary moments of life. As a result, we see more clearly, love more deeply and grow in wisdom in the things that matter most.
Book recommended: The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love & Learning, Worship & Work by Steven Garber (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press; 2020) 126 pages.