The Journey: Our Quest for Faith and Meaning (Os Guiness, 2001)
We have regularly called attention to the Trinity Forum Study Series, convinced that they will stimulate thoughtful discussion on issues that matter. These two additions to the series, The Journey (addressing the yearning for meaning in life and death) and Entrepreneurs of Life (about how to find and fulfill one’s central purpose in life) are no exception. Containing readings from a wide variety of sources, both Christian and non-Christian, fiction and nonfiction, and a study guide, each volume is all you need to lead a discussion. And since they contain such rich material, they are also a helpful addition to the library of every thoughtful believer. The Journey, for example, includes readings from Nietzsche, Peter Berger, Plato, Pascal, C. S. Lewis, Darwin, Scripture, Camus, Chesterton, and Shirley MacLaine and many more.
The Journey: Our Quest for Faith and Meaning (2001; 269 pp)Entrepreneurs of Life: Faith and the Venture of Purposeful Living (2001; 254 pp.) Both by Os Guinness, edited by Ginger Koloszyc, reader’s guides by Karen Lee-Thorp (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress).