Steering Through Chaos: Vice and Virtue in an Age of Moral Confusion (Os Guinness, 2000)

Since 1991 Os Guinness has led The Trinity Forum, a nonprofit organization designed to contribute to the transformation and renewal of society through the transformation and renewal of leaders. The Forum hosts an ongoing series of seminars, the format for which is not lectures but rather readings and discussion, enabling participants to engage ideas together. Now the material—the readings and discussion guides—for two of the seminars have been published in book form, Steering Through Chaos: Vice and Virtue in an Age of Moral Confusion and When No One Sees: The Importance of Character in an Age of Image. Both these books will be of interest to every thinking Christian who wants to engage issues that matter in a group setting.
Everything you need is included: the readings, discussion questions, even a guide for using the series as a group study. The Series represents a way of thinking and living which is discerning and challenging rather than merely reactionary and comfortable. There is substance here, far more than we’ve come to expect from much of the small group discussion material available on the market. And perhaps best of all, the material is specifically designed to appeal equally to non-Christians as well as to believers.
Os Guinness identifies the assumptions and convictions behind his approach. The Series:
– explores the issues of our day in the context of faith and presents the perspective of faith in the context of the sweep of Western civilization, recognizing the vital place of the past in the lives of nations as well as individuals
– presents the perspective of faith in the context of the challenges of other faiths
– is unashamed about the necessity for tough-minded thinking and recognizes that many of the urgent public issues of our day are cultural rather than political
– assumes the special need for, and the possibility of, a social and cultural renaissance in our time
We recommend Steering Through Chaos and When No One Sees to you. Work through them on your own. Use them as a family with older children. Use them in a small group. And be sure to invite non-Christians to participate.
Steering Through Chaos: Vice and Virtue in an Age of Moral Confusion by Os Guinness, edited by Virginia Mooney, reader’s guide by Karen Lee-Thorp (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress; 2000) 340 pp.When No One Sees: The Importance of Character in an Age of Image by Os Guinness, edited by Virginia Mooney, reader’s guide by Karen Lee-Thorp (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress; 2000) 329 pp.