Poetry: A Good Hike

A Good Hike
We hike with him a rough and unmarked trail,
A park for all ordained as common ground,
Our father, boots laced, narrow brim pulled low,
Pursuing this craggy, awkward approach,
A slanted pass where rocks release, divide,
Tons tilting, tumbling, rolling reckless down—
All are struck from the same soft stone, each one
A new-veined version of the deep earth’s ore.
At length, a doubting glance, but then at last
A bend, a verge, a pounding breath, we see
A sweep of sunlit sky that stretches wide
To distant vales with bright converging streams.
Then down this more forgiving slope we course
To river’s edge to soak our swollen feet.
Copyright © 2019 Samuel A. Hamer
[Photo by Clarisse Meyer on Unsplash]