Scott Schuleit

Scott Schuleit received the M.A. in Christianity and Culture from Knox Theological Seminary. His poems have appeared in the Mars Hill Review, The Penwood Review, Spring Hill Review, Christianity and Literature and Sehnsucht: The C.S. Lewis Journal. His non-fiction has been published in several print and non-print publications, including: Tabletalk, Reformed Perspectives Magazine,, The Gospel Coalition and Modern Reformation. Scott is the Youth Ministry Leader at Lake Worth Christian Reformed Church and enjoys walking, observing, reflecting, and spending time with his dear wife Christina.

Poetry: Outside My Office Window


Outside My Office Window Sleek vehicles enclosing flesh, blood, souls hurtling over darkening earth, the bending world. Road thins into distance, roars and whines,…

Unforeseen Contingencies

Family / Ordinary Life

It was early during the evening hours. Night had not yet descended; it was that time of the year when daylight lingered longer than…

Poetry: Awakenings


The sky held a smokelike hue as the simmering substance of fire began to arise, sculpting away vagueness, uncloaking ambiguities, gathering the world to…

Poetry: Moon and Rain


Moon Bloated and precise, a fat circle swollen in its roundness, glowing as if gorged on stars. A hypocrite, acting as if inherently luminous,…

Poetry: The Cross


The Cross Streams of blood pattern like veins over sheared wood, dyeing the beams red where the rivulets ran, flowing through grooves in the…

A Shout


From the falling form of an intricate vase water was freed, each flowing cluster and drop a complexity of light, color and motion spilling…

Coffee (Scott Schuleit, 2017)


Coffee Tilting the glass pot, angling the spout, pouring out a pure, dark-amber liquid, a cataract arcing and glistening with flowing lines of light…

Oak Leaf


Oak Leaf A poor outline of parched lips. A blunt spearhead, blood-rusty and brittle with age, long past its ripeness to pierce someone’s side.…


Culture / Poetry

Hints There were those moments as a child, when epic dreams beyond the borders of sight— the margins of the world—were revealed, offering an…

Crucifixion (1), (2) and (3)


Crucifixion (1) Whips curling, slack, sharp flash of sun on glass slashing with a crack. Crucifixion (2) Sun slides down the spike before the…