To Be Where You Are

Community / Creation / Family / Ordinary Life

Spring was cancer season for friends. (You might want to cancel friendship with us.) When Kosmo (Carol Kosmicke) began to experience little seizures and…

The Joy of Bees


A long time ago when our children were young and we lived in Albuquerque, Denis traveled a lot. The reason I mention he traveled…

Bird Feeders

Creation / Work and Rest

A few months back a young couple spent a weekend with us at Toad Hall. Scott had graciously come to help us plaster and…

Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love

Community / Creation / Family / Hospitality / Pluralistic World / Spirituality

There are few issues that have generated more political heat and extreme rhetoric, more anger and hatred, confusion and pain, than the issue of…

Eating the Easter Bunny

Creation / Maturity and Flourishing / Work and Rest

You know, there’s a reason why they call those free range, organic chicken breasts in the super market “Smart Brand.” As opposed to raising…